Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Week three gluten free

I am happy to report that after three weeks of being gluten free I am feeling amazing!  
I started this experiment to see if it would help clear up my daughters eczema on her legs, and the mild irritation I have on my hands.  Well, my hands are totally clear and feel so much better!  Veda's legs however, are seeing only a little change..first it was very noticeable, but she keeps itching!  She's a kid.. telling a kid not to itch an itch is easier said than done.  I can see that her legs are only irritated from all the itching at this point.  I wanted to avoid using a cortisone cream, but I just might have her use some in order to get her to quit itching.  After that, I think it will definitely clear up with the gluten free diet. 

Other than that, we are doing great without the gluten!  Within the first week I noticed we were both feeling better all around.  I felt less moody and wasn't craving things that I used to.  I have more energy and I am sleeping better.  The best part?  I've lost 10 pounds!  I had already been working out 5 days a week, but as soon as I cut out the gluten I lost more weight and am much less "puffy".  Ladies, you know how some days you just feel more puffy than other days?  Yeah, that was the story of my life.  I had a feeling I was gluten intolerant because on the rare occasion I drank beer (I'm a cider gal), I would get horrible stomach pains and felt bloated for days.  I am now free from those 'feeling puffy' days!  If you're wondering about what a gf diet could do for you, just try it..you've got nothing to lose.

Veda is also doing great without the gluten.  For her it is a little harder because she can't have the same pizza her sisters get on family night, and she isn't the biggest fan of gf bread.  However, she is a great eater and is always up for trying new things.  So together we have been trying new recipes and ideas.  I have noticed a huge difference in Veda's moods, being a nine year old girl she can get a 'bit' moody at times.  However, now I am seeing less arguing between her and her sisters, less whining, and less mood swings.  She is more emotionally "level" and has more energy.  So even though I am not seeing the dramatic difference I was hoping to see with her eczema, we are going to stick with it and see what other benefits being gf has for us.

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