Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Taking summer by the balls

All at once or nothing at all.

I am thinking that my mantra for this year (simplify) might be some sort of joke I'm playing on myself.

The summer has coasted by like it always does and before I know it, it's August and we're thinking about back to school.  When August gets here, we're all in a frenzy to squeeze out every last drop of summer before schedules get crazy and the weather starts to suck (here in Portland, it's all about the RAIN).  

This year our second child starts kindergarten.

So I thought it would be great for her to be enrolled in the kindergarten readiness program at her school.  She gets to meet her teacher, get to know her new class mates, and starts learning about classroom stuff.  It's four days a week for the whole month of August..pretty fun for her!

Apparently I didn't check the requirements because it requires a parent/guardian to attend a PTO type group with the other kinder parents TWICE a freakin' week for 3 freakin' hours!

I couldn't back out.  Cadence was so excited about 'summer school' that she had been counting down the minutes.  So we're in.  It's all or nothin' baby!

On top of our crazy life in general, I recently started a prelicense course to obtain my Real Estate Broker license.  Which I work on in the evenings, you know my "spare time". 

So I am taking on these new changes and trying to roll with the punches.  

By September I will have a kindergartner that will be all ready to go when school starts, and I will be well on my way to becoming a licensed Real Estate Broker!  

That's what I call taking summer by the balls and.. or is it horns?  Well anyway, you get what I mean!
