Friday, December 27, 2013

It's almost New Years!

Is everyone ready for New Years?!  I'm ready in the sense that I'm ready for 2014, not in the sense that I'm ready to celebrate another holiday ha!  Right about this time of year every year, I remember why I love late winter (Feb/March).  It's because all the hustle and hype from Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years is over!  Don't get me wrong, I love those holidays, I'm just worn out by the time New Years gets here.

I'm not big on the whole New Years resolution thing, but I am interested in the idea of setting goals for the next year.  

Last year my goal was to garden more through spring and summer.  I did just that!  And by end of August I was wiped out.  So this next year, I will garden.  But my goal is to keep it ridiculously keep all things simple.  I tend to take things to the max when taking on something new (although gardening itself wasn't new for me, it was the giant garden I planted last summer that was new..and overwhelming!).  That's just how I am though, all or nothing.  I like trying everything!  But this next year, I will try those things, and keep it simple.  If I keep it simple, I will have more time to do things I like to do but am usually worn too thin to really "give my best".  

I decided to start the simpler living idea earlier this month.  It seemed like as soon as December hit, so did the flu/cold in our house.  It circulated through about 3 times in all sorts of ways, starting with the colds and ending with the stomach bug...which is pretty effin awful when Eric and I both got it at the same exact time..thank God the grandparents were able to come to the rescue and watch the kids that day!

That being said.. we have had a busy holiday season on top of all of that.  Usually I make 2-3 large batches of my grammy's fudge, 2 batches of homemade pumpkin peanut butter dog biscuits, Christmas cookies, peanut butter fudge, pies, and gingerbread houses with the kids.  All those treats go to the kids' teachers, caregivers, neighbors, friends, family, and to the family Christmas parties.

But this year I was like oh, hell no.  Nope.  Nope.  Nope!  Even though the time in the kitchen with the kids is awesome, it is usually me flying solo after 20 minutes of stirring fudge or decorating cookies.  So this year, we skipped ALL that.  I didn't do any treat making except some candy cane reindeer.  And you know what?  I didn't miss the fudge, the cookies, the pies, the treats...ONE BIT!  We did store bought treats from Trader Joes for the parties and it was perfect.  On top of that, I had more time for me, and didn't lose my sanity!

Not that I won't do those things in the future, it's just about making it simpler when it needs to be.

Next, I'm trying out new ideas in the kitchen.  My goal is to keep it simple.  Just because I am trying out something new, doesn't mean I have to wear myself out by taking it to the max.

The word for 2014 is Simplify.  


Pin Your Heart Out!

Well it's been a bit since my last post.  I have no just gets busy like that sometimes.
But I have been pretty busy with my new little business that I am excited to share!  A while ago we came up with the idea, and just recently we put it into action.  I have started a button/magnet business!  It's a small idea that could turn into something pretty awesome.  My online shop features unique original items that you wont find elsewhere and I even do custom orders!

Check it out!! ----->>

These two are the first of my hand series.

Insects.  My favorite is the bee hive.

Eyes.  I have quite the assortment.

Probably one of my favorite sets.  Recently sold some magnet sets of these.  
They are SO cute!

Gave this magnet to my sister :)

Fun new set.

Newest set of magnets.  Kitchen themed.

See where I'm going here?  The variety is endless.  I have done custom orders as well.  I can do small runs of individual styles or large runs of one/two designs.

Have a company/group that you'd like pins or magnets made for?  Head over to my shop and contact me!
I would love to make some awesome merchandise for you!
